Slowing the difficulty curve with updated platforming :: Demo Version 1.4

I kept seeing players experience difficulty with the first two challenges presented (the fireman bucket & the laser keys). I kept telling myself that having folks overcome the difficulty would make them stronger players or that they'd "get" the float mechanic more as they had to perfect its use. I now think that was the wrong move and so I rehauled the platforming in those two levels.

Fireman's Bucket:
I cut the number of falling platforms probably in half or more. Now the player has more time to get used to jumping vertically before they have to worry about falling.

Laser Keys:
Here too I tried to ease the difficulty curve with some major changes. I think I ended up removing 3 laser obstacles all together and added about 3 new platforms to give additional solid ground.

I'd love to hear if these changes were helpful to you!

Files 661 MB
Jul 14, 2021

Get Little Ghost

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